Two weeks away

From Tuesday (or Wednesday) next week, that means 23/24 June and for two weeks we will be in the yellow pins marked on the map above. we will be there participating on this voluntary project in two Buryati villages near the Mongolian border, where most of the children never saw foreigners. 

Eva will try to give some basic health and hygiene ideas and I will try to raise their wareness about human and children rights. Maybe doing some BodyCombat if weather and conditions allow (if there are speakers, CD player, etc). Today we already met Jurgen, an Austrian guy who will be teaching some Judo. There will also be Kate, a Canadian girl and Ayuna, a Moscovite which is also Buriaty and will be translating and organizing things. 

So, when I mean by away, is because we believe there might not be internet there. And mobile phones seem not to work (following our research on the russian operators webpages).

Web page of this volutary project is: