Last week after going away from NinhBinh and willing to make a not so long train ride, we decided to stop at DongHoi, just 8-hours South. Unfortunately hour multiple-coutry guidebook did not mention this place and on our internet researches we did not find any nice accommodation to stay. On our arrival we just knew that the train station was about 4km away from the hotels area, so we took a taxi. But we did not know what to say to the taxi driver, we tried to mention hotels, but he wanted a specific one. The only Eva remembered the name was a 4-star resort and here we go. Arrived there we see it was already a bit out of the way from everything, but we ask the price anyway. They were quite empty and making 40%+ reductions from the price. Then they showed us an offer for two nights including dinners, breakfast and access to the gym, sauna, swimming pools and transfer to the train station. It was just 10usd/chf more than the discounted rate. Needing a bit of holidays from our trip, we accepted. Below a picture of Eva swimming in the main pool.
There were patches of rain and patches of gorgeous weather. We tried to swim in the harsh sea, but was too dangerous. They were nice days…
Now we are in the “Mirinae” cyclone affected area and its raining a lot, downtown HoiAn is flooded. This morning was still possible to walk in the market and we took this picture. Now we are confined to the hotel. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be better.