A word about trains
Wherever we can, we try to take a train. In Poland people told us several times that trains are slow, expensive and uncomfortable. Well, I don’t agree….It’s true that in Poland trains are slow, mainly because they usually stop at every possible train station, quite often for as long as half an hour and they […]
Read MoreUnexpected internet – no train
We were quite happy today that we managed to get a train from West-Daugava Riga to main station just in time to get a connection train to go and see the Sea. But after buying the connection train ticket we realized that this good connection was only on weekends. so no we have one hour […]
Read MoreRiga Market
SSCN0052Originally uploaded by eva_p Just an impression from the huge market in Riga.
Read MoreMiguel jumping from a pole… crazy?
SSCN0051Originally uploaded by eva_p In Riga we were hosted by Inga, who invited us to join high rope climbing. One of the tasks was climbing up a pole (which was the easiest part), then standing up on top of it (which was the really difficult part). And then, just jumping off!
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