Buying train ticket in Russia – experience I
First case, go to central train ticket office of Sankt Petersburg where many guichets have different roles, in russian, and all have not moving queues of 10 people. There’s the ‘administrator’ guichet with no one as you pay if you disturb her. Two machines to buy tickets and a couple more to check timetables. All […]
Read MoreTwitter like impressions of Sankt Petersburg
– Autocarro case de banho, por 15R ao lado do museu naval, mijei la dentro.– Registar os vistos numa agencia por 900R, depois de lutar para encontrar a entrada do numero 54 da rua X.– Quase rezar para que a carrinha-autocarro nao tenha nenhum acidente no zigue-zague do trafego para SP. Os corajosos ciclistas so […]
Read MoreRussian Toilet Experience – 2
St Petersburg. Walking around in town. There’s a bus. But something is different. It’s not moving. It’s a toilet bus! Yes, a trolley bus, converted into a toilet. Women on the left, men on the right.Inside, a counter where a lady collects the money. And then, the smallest space I ever had for a pee. […]
Read MoreSt Petersburg nights
SSCN0058Originally uploaded by eva_p We had almost white nights. This was the view of St Petersburg at around 11 pm. Magical.
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