South Korea – Gangneung and around
After having spent a few days in Seoul (mainly to sort out our Chinese visas) we again escaped to the countryside. Gangneung is a small town, not much to see or do in the city itself, but we thought it would be a good base to explore the eastern coastal region. We checked into the […]
Read MoreSouth Korea – Gonju
We chose Gonju because it’s a small town, and there seemed to be enough things to do for a few days. We felt the need to stay longer at the same place and also relax a bit.This time we decided to choose a motel from our guidebook, and it was a good choice. Friendly landlady, […]
Read MoreReshiri Island, Japan
We arrived in Wakkanai at the northern tip of Hokkaido on the 28th July. Wakkanai is a small town, there’s not really much to do except very practical things for us: laundry and going to the post office. So the next day we took another ferry which took us to the island of Reshiri within […]
Read MoreMiguel jumping from a pole… crazy?
SSCN0051Originally uploaded by eva_p In Riga we were hosted by Inga, who invited us to join high rope climbing. One of the tasks was climbing up a pole (which was the easiest part), then standing up on top of it (which was the really difficult part). And then, just jumping off!
Read MoreKayaking
Kayaking in PolandOriginally uploaded by eva_p Today we went kayaking near Stary Folwark in Northeastern Poland. Not on the lake, which is open only from the 1st of May (coinciding with the national long holiday weekend) but on a river. Some 15 km paddling, sometimes zigzagging because of the stream, wind and our little knowledge […]
Read MoreAdventures of a bike ride to Bratislava
Supposely there are about 65km between Vienna and Bratislava. Our bums say it was much more. Also our clocks, after 5:30 hours riding a bike not ours through the side of the Danube. We crossed a (is)land where clothes are just accessories and then a small stretch where they forgot to make an higher bridge. […]
Read MoreBody Combat – stage I – Vienna
Today among other things I did a team-teach of Body Combat in a nice gym in Vienna (Beer’s(!)) with Zuzana. We had great fun, even if unfortunately the class was not very full. I believe I was quite lucky to get accepted and I will retry to have more stages of Body Combat in other […]
Read MoreHow to get around Vienna for 1 Euro
Today we experienced the cheapest way to get around Vienna (without hurting feet): the Citybike. All you need is a credit card. You have to register and pay 1 euro once, then you can basically bike for free, provided you don’t keep the same bike for more than one hour (the first hour being free). […]
Read MoreRhine waterfalls
Visited the Rhine waterfalls, the biggest in Europe. Sixty kilometers of bike made me happy again. I was missing sports.
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